Aktuellt Press

ArcAroma signs evaluation contract with a global juice producer

Press release 2020-09-02

ArcAroma signs evaluation contract with a global juice producer

ArcAroma has signed an evaluation contract with one of the world´s largest producers of apple juice. The contract concerns the evaluation of juiceCEPT® in the treatment of carrots, with the goal to increase extraction of beta-carotene and also to improve the sensory qualities of the product. During the project, the rent for the unit will amount to EUR 16 000. The project begins in September and lasts all four months of the harvest season.

After completion of the evaluation, the juice producer has the option to buy juiceCEPT® for the price of EUR 284 000. The juice producer produces freshly squeezed juice, concentrate and purees and is a global producer and supplier of technology-based natural ingredients, systems and integrated solutions for the food and beverage industry.

The juiceCEPT® application makes the extraction process when pressing fruit, berries and vegetables more effective – an extraction increase between 5-10% is achieved. In addition to quantitative growth, nutrients, vitamins and enzymes increases while color and fragrance is improved. The heat effect of the treatment is low – the heating is limited to 1-3 degrees Celsius. juiceCEPT® meets a need from the growing health trend in the food industry with estimated great opportunities for growth.

For more information, please contact:

Johan Möllerström, CEO

(+46) 768 – 86 81 78


About ArcAroma AB (publ)

ArcAroma has developed a patented technology that controls and applies electrical pulses to optimize various biological processes. The CEPT® platform, which is a high-voltage generator combined with a treatment chamber, uses the technology within FoodTech for increased extraction from the raw material and extended shelf-life and increased quality of the final product. Within CleanTech, the CEPT® platform is used for sewage sludge treatment and biogas production. The platform uses short-term high-voltage pulses (PEF) that crush the cell membrane and eliminate unwanted microorganisms.

Our vision is to contribute to a sustainable world by offering efficient green cutting-edge technology that is easy to use in the areas of FoodTech and CleanTech.

 Arc Aroma’s shares are listed on NASDAQ First North Premier Growth Market. Erik Penser Bank is Certified Adviser and is available at 08-463 80 00 or certifiedadviser@penser.se. www.arcaroma.com

Mot En Hållbar Värld

Tillsammans kan vi bidra till en mer hållbar värld! Vår vision är att göra såväl livsmedels som växtindustrin mer hållbar, minska utsläpp, minska energiförbrukning och minska svinn. Samtidigt öka våra kunders lönsamhet och skapa långsiktigt värde för våra ägare. 

Företaget finns i Lund och aktien handlas på Nasdaq First North Growth Market. Erik Penser Bank är Certified Adviser och finns på 08-463 80 00 eller certifiedadviser@penser.se