Why invest in OptiCept Technologies?

The need for more efficient and sustainable technology is increasing within the food and plant industries. This demand is driven by several factors, such as inefficient supply chains and production processes. OptiCept provides patented technologies and advanced systems that support this development. The company develops, designs, manufactures, markets, and sells technology platforms (industrial machines) that are integrated into the production processes of the food and plant industries.

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About the company in short

OptiCept's technology platforms are based on Pulsed Electric Field ("PEF") and Vacuum Infusion ("VI") technology. OptiCept's solutions help to quickly optimize often inefficient production processes, resulting in significant cost savings and increased efficiency.

In the food industry, OptiCept focuses on increasing raw material extraction, extending the shelf life of final products, reducing waste, and improving the quality of final products in terms of taste, aroma, color, and nutritional content. In the plant industry, OptiCept works on extending the lifespan and improving the quality of cut flowers, as well as optimizing the rooting of cuttings and enhancing their quality.

OptiCept's technology creates economic benefits for customers, higher product quality for consumers, and reduced environmental impact for society, for example, through less waste and longer shelf life of the final product.

The companies unique advantages

Optimizing extraction processes

OptiCept is a Global leader in advanced technologies (PEF & VI) designed to enhance efficiency, quality, shelf life, and reduce waste across food and plant industries.

Unique patented technology

OptiCept holds patented technologies that deliver rapid payback periods for applications in solid and liquid foods, as well as in the flower and forestry sector.

Strong partnerships and customer base

OptiCept has secured agreements and partnerships with several world-leading companies across all key segments.

Great market potential

With an addressable market in food valued at €6,3 billion and a yearly recurring potential of €1,3 billion in cut flowers and cuttings, OptiCepts solutions are positioned to meet this growing need. Food: Capital sales 200.000 Euro to 900.000 Euro per line. Aftermarket over 10 years = capital sales value. Plant: Recurring revenues, pay per treatment 2-3 Eurocent per cutting/stem

The company's business idea is to apply high-tech solutions based on PEF and VI technology to organic processes, such as in the food and plant industries. Through these high-tech solutions, the company aims to contribute to a more sustainable world and enable climate-smart economic growth.

OptiCept's vision aims for all organic materials used in production and distribution to be utilized to their fullest potential with minimal environmental impact and maintained product quality, making the industry more sustainable and profitable. OptiCept seeks to achieve this by becoming a world-leading supplier of PEF and VI solutions, as well as driving and developing the sustainable technologies of the future for the food and plant industries. The short-term goal is to achieve growth and profitability within the prioritized business areas, while the long-term goal is to develop solutions for new business areas based on PEF and VI.

Strategy for commercialization

From R&D to fully commercialized

In recent years, a new strategic direction has been developed, aiming to transition OptiCept from an R&D company (research and development) to one fully focused on commercialization. As business opportunities in several areas materialize, the company is experiencing high demand for its solutions. The company's technologies can theoretically be implemented for the treatment of all types of organic materials, making scalability very high and offering numerous potential business areas in the long term. However, the company assesses that building the infrastructure and organization required to establish itself as a global supplier would currently be too resource-intensive to undertake alone. To accelerate market penetration and sales in key markets such as South America, Asia, South Africa, and Southern Europe, the company has adopted a strategy of forming partnerships.

Global reach with partners and agents

The strategy involves conducting continuous R&D activities in collaboration with partners that support the company's commercialization strategy. Additionally, these partnerships enable cost reductions and provide access to global networks and distribution systems for efficient expansion. Partners also contribute expertise and capital for the development of new applications, enhancing the company's visibility and credibility in the market. 

The company has created a global reach through strategic partnerships and an extensive agent network. 

An example of such a collaboration is the partnership with FPS, a global leader in turnkey systems for freezing, cooling, frying, and handling food. Within the framework of the collaboration, OptiCept supplies generators, while FPS provides the system units that handle and process the products up to the PEF treatment.

In the area of forest cuttings, OptiCept collaborates with BCC AB for the sales of OPTIBOOST®. By partnering with BCC AB, OptiCept gains a local presence in several countries within its key markets, including Brazil, South Africa, and Southeast Asia. BCC AB is a Swedish company that designs, manufactures, and supplies forest seed centers and nurseries with all necessary equipment. Similar initiatives have been launched in the cut flower sector.

In parallel with OptiCept implementing a partnership strategy, the Company has worked intensively in recent years to reduce costs. These cost savings create the conditions for managing the biggest uncertainty factor in the partnership strategy – the time it takes to reach from the current position to the desired future position with established collaborations and strong cash flows. With these changes in place customers OptiCept now fully on and implementation of the partnership strategy.

Market overview

Industries and companies in the food and plant industry see a great need to streamline production, improve profitability, and switch to more sustainable methods.

This is evident when an estimated one-third of all food, 1.3 million tons, produced for human consumption becomes waste or waste, while 1.4 billion hectares are used annually to grow food that is never consumed. This is equivalent to the combined land area of ​​the United States, India and Egypt combined. Food losses and waste are estimated annually at approximately EUR 680 billion in industrialized countries and EUR 310 billion in developing countries.

In other words, the costs of the losses are estimated at EUR 990 billion annually. Climate impact is another factor, the food sector accounts for about 30 percent of the world's total energy consumption and food waste contributes about 8-10 percent of global greenhouse gases, which is more than the entire aviation industry, global plastic production and oil extraction contribute together. Climate change has a significant impact on growing food, and the effects can be both direct and indirect.

Climate change makes agricultural production, and thus food production, more unpredictable and complicated and requires adaptation strategies to ensure that food production can continue sustainably. By extension, many consumers nowadays choose food with regard to its environmental impact.

Furthermore, approximately 43 billion cut flowers are grown annually, of which up to 20 percent becomes waste. During the flower industry's peak season, which is Valentine's Day, around 360,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide is produced from flower transport, which is equivalent to the emissions from 78,000 cars over a year. According to OptiCept's assessment, around 1.8–2 billion plastic packages (sachets) are manufactured annually with nutrients that accompany flower bouquets in the store, which results in extensive plastic production. All of the above examples highlight the serious problems of inefficiency and environmental impact in the food and plant industry.

Through OptiCept's technology, the Company can improve profitability, reduce food waste, increase extraction, maximize the use of organic material, and at the same time reduce environmental impact. OptiCept estimates that the addressable market for the currently prioritized business areas of potato processing, olive oil, forest cuttings, and cut flowers amounts to approximately EUR 5.3 billion in total.

EUR 5.3 billion

Addressable market for the currently prioritized business areas.

1.4 billion hectares

One third of all food, 1.3 million tons, produced for human consumption becomes waste or waste.

EUR 990 Billion

Estimated total annual cost of food loss and waste.


OptiCept's two technology platforms are modular, which means that the technology can be applied with good effect in several areas, and we can move from development to market at a fast pace. In the food industry, CEPT treatment can be applied in olive oil production, juice, dehydration of vegetables and fruits, wine, oat milk, and more. In the plant segment, the OptiBoost technology can be applied in cut flowers, potted plant cuttings, and forestry cuttings. Development of new application areas is constantly ongoing. 

This gives us access to a globally and uniquely diversified market, both geographically and across industries. It is a strength that provides the company with expansion opportunities, and also eliminates risk in the event of unfavorable developments regarding specific industries, price trends, geographies, political decisions, etc.  

The scalability of the company is thus potentially very high. 




Pulsed electric field technology for food products.


Vacuum Infusion technology for treatment of cut flowers and cuttings.


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A Title

Towards a Sustainable World

Together we can contribute to a more sustainable world! Our vision is to make both the food and plant industries more sustainable, reduce emissions, decrease energy consumption, and reduce waste. At the same time, we aim to increase the profitability of our customers and create long-term value for our owners. 

The company is located in Lund and its stock is traded on Nasda First North Growth Market. Erik Penser Bank is Certified Adviser and can be reached at +46 8 463 80 00 or certifiedadviser@penser.se