Nomination Committee

A nomination committee is appointed each year by the largest shareholders in accordance with the instructions for the nomination committee adopted by the general meeting.
The nomination committee is responsible for preparing and presenting proposals for chairman of the board, board members, board remuneration (divided into chairman, members and committees), chairman of the general meeting, remuneration of auditors and election of auditors as well as proposals for instructions for the nomination committee

Once the nomination committee has been appointed, it will be published here.

The Nomination Committee shall consist of three members - a representative of each of the three largest shareholders as of the last banking day in September who wishes to appoint a member of the Nomination Committee. The three largest shareholders in this instruction refer to the owner-grouped registered shareholders or otherwise known shareholders as of the last banking day in September.

OptiCept Technologies' selection committee for the annual general meeting on May 22, 2025, has been appointed according to the decision for the appointment of the selection committee from the annual general meeting 2024, which means that it has been appointed based on the three largest owners in terms of votes as of September 30, 2024.  

The selection committee consists of: 

  • Jeffrey Chang representerande FPS Food Process Solutions BV
  • Jonas Hagberg representing himself, Torsion Invest AB and JEQ Capital AB
  • Petr Dejmek, representing himself and his family, Poa Dejmek AB and the researchers who helped found the company; Rei Phoon, Federico Gomez and Katarzyna Dymek, as well as Björn Wetterling, Anders Hättmark and Ulf Hagman

Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to OptiCept Technologies' nomination committee are welcome to contact the nomination committee on January 31, 2025.


By letter:
OptiCept Technologies AB
Att: Valberedningen
Skiffervägen 12
SE-224 78, Lund

Towards a Sustainable World

Together we can contribute to a more sustainable world! Our vision is to make both the food and plant industries more sustainable, reduce emissions, decrease energy consumption, and reduce waste. At the same time, we aim to increase the profitability of our customers and create long-term value for our owners. 

The company is located in Lund and its stock is traded on Nasda First North Growth Market. Erik Penser Bank is Certified Adviser and can be reached at +46 8 463 80 00 or