Press release 2018-07-18 Continued growth of sales and distribution network for oliveCEPT® Arc Aroma Pure AB (ARCAROMA) expands its distributor network in the Mediterranean area, with two new partners. For the territory of Sardinia, with possible expansion into mainland Italy, ARCAROMA has agreed on partnership with Wide Range S.r.l. in Cagliari, Italy. For the territory of Crete and Cyprus, with possible expansion into mainland Greece, ARCAROMA has agreed on partnership with I. Nitadoros A.E. in Heraklion, Greece. Both these partners are in final negotiations with end-customers. For the strategically important territory of Iberia negotiations are taking place with three different parties, which all have end-customers who are interested in oliveCEPT®. – Our network of distributors is key to a successful market penetration and I am looking forward to work in close collaboration with Wide Range and Nitadoros. My colleagues and I feel that we have found the right partners to work with on these important and fast-growing markets, and believe that they have the potential to expand their regional territories in the near future. I am also confident that once we have settled the distributor agreement with one or more partners for Iberia, there will be end-customers in the position to place a purchase order. Therefore, we secure the supply of oliveCEPT® for Iberia even if the orders will be submitted later than we first had estimated, says Johan Möllerström, CEO at ARCAROMA. For more information, please contact: Johan Möllerström, CEO (+46) 768 – 86 81 78 This information is such information that Arc Aroma Pure AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set above, at 18 July, 2018 at 08:30 CET.