Aktuellt Regulatoriska Pressmeddelanden

Uppdatering finansiell kalender

Arc Aroma Pure AB kommer att hålla sin årsstämma 11 tisdag oktober 2016. Tid och plats meddelas i kallelsen. Kommande rapporttider:

2016-09-22 Delårsrapport Q1, 160501-160731
2016-10-11 Årsstämma 2016
2016-12-15 Delårsrapport Q2, 160801-161031

Towards a Sustainable World

Together we can contribute to a more sustainable world! Our vision is to make both the food and plant industries more sustainable, reduce emissions, decrease energy consumption, and reduce waste. At the same time, we aim to increase the profitability of our customers and create long-term value for our owners. 

The company is located in Lund and its stock is traded on Nasda First North Growth Market. Erik Penser Bank is Certified Adviser and can be reached at +46 8 463 80 00 or