Regulatoriska Pressmeddelanden

Further sales of oliveCEPT® in Greece

Press release 2018-08-23 Further sales of oliveCEPT® in Greece  Arc Aroma Pure AB (“ArcAroma”) has sold an additional oliveCEPT® installation to one of the current end-users in Crete, Greece. The oliveCEPT® unit is sold and will also be delivered by ArcAroma’s local distributor I. Nitadoros A.E.  This is the third oliveCEPT® unit that has been sold in Greece since the end of July. In total, eight oliveCEPT® installations are now in contract in the Mediterranean for the 2018/19 season. This sales agreement is the result of the hard work and commitment by our distributor and ArcAroma. Crete is one of the main areas for olive oil production in Greece and we are very satisfied to have made our first landmark there, says Johan Möllerström, CEO of ArcAroma. Delivery will take place in November 2018, a couple of weeks in time for the start of the harvest season in Crete. The distributor will handle installation, integration and start up with support from ArcAroma. For more information, please contact: Johan Möllerström, CEO (+46) 768 – 86 81 78 johan.mollerstrom@arcaroma.com   This information is such information that Arc Aroma Pure AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set above, at August 23, 2018 at 08:30 CET. About Arc Aroma Pure AB (publ) Arc Aroma Pure has developed a way to control electrical pulses that provide a high energy yield. The CEPT® platform, which is a generator, uses the technology of biogas, sewage treatment and extraction. The platform uses short-term high-voltage pulses that blow the cell membrane and kill unwanted microorganisms. Efficiency of biogas production and the introduction of new raw materials that can´t be used today are in focus. Water, ballast water and liquid foods are examples of other CEPT® applications. Founded in 2008, the company is based in Lund, with offices in Shanghai, and has received various awards and support from, among others, Vinnova and the Swedish Energy Agency. Arc Aroma Pure’s shares are listed on NASDAQ First North Premier. Erik Penser Bank is Certified Adviser and is available at 08-463 80 00. www.arcaroma.com.

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Företaget finns i Lund och aktien handlas på Nasdaq First North Growth Market. Erik Penser Bank är Certified Adviser och finns på 08-463 80 00 eller certifiedadviser@penser.se